Dilan Jivan is a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist. His areas of focus is on Cosmetic acupuncture, Musculo-skeletal and Sports injuries, pain management and recovery and Womens Health. He places a strong emphasis on promoting good health and working with the body in order to achieve optimal mental and physical wellness
He is a registered practitioner with the APHRA and completed his Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the University of Technology (UTS). Dilan combines the therapeutic values of Herbal Medicine with Acupuncture and is continually attending courses to perfect his craft.
His story begins with the influence of Natural care through his grandfather who was a dedicated and successful Naturopath and Medical Herbalist and then then the footprint of his father David Jivan who is Australia’s leading and most experienced Naturopath. He has been surrounded by Holistic Healthcare and awareness to the point it directed him straight a career in Natural Healthcare with passion and enthusiasm encouraged by a high code of ethics and integrity.
Together father and son run one of Sydney’s busiest, nurturing and highly regarded and respected family holistic healthcare Practice in Kingsford with patients flocking from all over the globe to experience their healing expertise.